Application Materials
New applicants to the Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Program must submit all of the following materials for their application to be considered. Application materials are the same for undergraduate and graduate applicants.
A) The Florida/Brazil Institute Tuition Exemption Online Application Form, to which you will also upload the following documents:
- The Course Information Form.
- The Notarized Statement certifying that you will return to Brazil for a period equal to the exemption period.
- One photocopy of your passport photo page (proof of Brazilian citizenship).
- One photocopy of your I-20 or DS-2019 form.
- One photocopy of your student visa.
- A one-page typed Statement of Purpose that summarizes your educational and professional goals and explains how your specific area of interest contributes to the linkage between Florida and Brazil.
- 7) One copy of your most recent official* academic transcript. U.S.-institution transcripts must be in a sealed envelope from the granting institution and may be sent separately from the other application materials. Academic transcripts from non-U.S. institutions must be accompanied by certified translations.
*Applicants are required to submit a copy of their unofficial transcripts when completing the application form online. However, all applicants are also required to submit official transcripts (directly from the institution) to or mail them to:
FBLI Coordinator
319 Grinter Hall
P.O. Box 115530
Gainesville, FL 32611-5530
B) Two letters of recommendation, preferably from professors familiar with your academic work. Each letter must be accompanied by a Release Form. The letters of recommendation will be submitted via the online application along with the release form.
How we receive the letters: We receive the recommendation letters directly from the recommenders. You must first submit the application and provide the required release forms. In the application, you will be asked to enter the emails for the professors who will be submitting a recommendation letter for you. Once the application has been submitted, an email is automatically sent from Submittable to your recommenders with a link in which to upload your recommendation letter. Your file is only considered complete when we have received both recommendation letters.
Renewal applicants to the Out-of-State Tuition Exemption Program must submit all of the following materials by the deadline for their application to be considered. Application materials are the same for undergraduate and graduate applicants.
A) The Florida/Brazil Institute Tuition Exemption Online Application Form, to which you will also upload the following documents:
- The Course Information Form.
- One copy of your most recent official academic transcript.
- One photocopy of your passport photo page (proof of Brazilian citizenship).
- One photocopy of your I-20 or DS-2019 form.
- One photocopy of your student visa.
- Original or photocopy of your receipt for fees paid the previous semester (if not previously submitted).
B) Letters of recommendation are not required for renewal applicants.
Application Deadlines
The application window for new and renewal applications is March 3, 2025 until May 19, 2025: This deadline is for all applicants requesting the waiver for the upcoming 2025-2026 academic year (Fall-Spring-Summer). Students will be notified of the decision by June 30, 2025, of awards for the upcoming academic year (or portion thereof).