January 18 2024 - The Guyana Venezuela Border Controversy

January 18 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura | Orientation

January 24 2024 - Candidate search committee meeting - Environmental Justice and Human Rights #1

January 25 2024 - Candidate Job Talk - Candidate for Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice and Human Rights #1

January 25 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura with Daniel Rodríguez Barrón

February 8 2024 - The Role of Museums in Biocultural Conservation: The Field Museum

January 31 2024 - Candidate search committee meeting - Environmental Justice and Human Rights #2

February 1 2024 - Candidate Job Talk - Candidate for Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice and Human Rights #2

February 2 2024 - Candidate search committee meeting #2 - Environmental Justice and Human Rights #2

January 26 2024 - Candidate search committee meeting - Environmental Justice and Human Rights #1

February 8 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura with Alejandra Costamagna

February 14 2024 - Candidate search committee meeting - Environmental Justice and Human Rights #3

February 15 2024 - Candidate Job Talk - Candidate for Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice and Human Rights #3

February 16 2024 - Candidate search committee meeting #2 - Environmental Justice and Human Rights #3

February 21 2024 - Search committee meeting - Assistant Professor of Environmental Justice and Human Rights

February 20 2024 - Las Diez Caricaturas Más Racistas en la Historia de Colombia

February 22 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura with Mario Martz

February 23 2024 - Book launch | A Tale of Two Granadas

February 29 2024 - Annual Conference | Day 1

March 1 2024 - Annual Conference | Day 2

March 7 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura with Luis Carlos Barragán

March 18 2024 - Socio-environmental Governance & Justice in Latin America

March 21 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura with Yolanda Arroyo

March 22 2024 - Fieldwork Festival

March 28 2024 - Biocultural Education: What kind of curriculum is needed to advance BCC in Higher Education?

March 28 2024 - Las cenizas del Ave Fénix: Etnicidad y protesta social en los Andes

March 29 2024 - Just International Science: Reimagining Collaborations | An Equity-Centered Approach to Academic Writing

April 1 2024 - LAS Alumni Engagement Event | Day 1

April 2 2024 - LAS Alumni Engagement Event | Day 2

April 4 2024 - Meet the Author Club de Lectura with Florentino Solano

April 5 2024 - Book presentation - Mateo Jarquin

April 8 2024 - Virtual Exchange in Latin America

April 5 2024 - Afro Cuban Convening: Abakua Series

April 6 2024 - Afro Cuban Convening: Abakua Series

April 12 2024 - Coloquio with Catherine Tucker

April 14 2024 - Jacaré Brazil with a J.S. Bach Accent

April 19 2024 - Coloquio with Flávia Biroli

April 19 2024 - Biocultural Conservation: Panel 3

April 15 2024 - Embodiment and Research Workshop

April 25 2024 - Challenges to Sustainable Farming in Highland Ecuador

May 8 2024 - Fostering Collaboration between UF and the University of Azuay, Ecuador

August 19 2024 - Faculty retreat

August 14 2024 - MALAS student orientation

August 30 2024 - TCD orientation

November 14 2024 - Book launch | Gabriela Leite Memoir with Meg Weeks

November 7 2024 - 3rd Annual Global Careers Virtual Fair

September 12 2024 - Virtual Business Talk: European and Latin American Audiences

September 23 2024 - Talk with Abraham Cruz Villegas