UF-hosted journal scores higher than other interdisciplinary journals in Latin American Studies
May 26, 2023
The University of Florida is hosting the Latin American Research Review, the flagship journal of the Latin American Studies Association, from 2021-2025. Center professor Carmen Martínez Novo serves as the editor in chief.
In the latest edition of the LARR, Dr. Martínez Novo announced that the journal has increased its cite score from 1.2 to 1.5, higher than other interdisciplinary journals in Latin American Studies.
LARR’s impact factor increased from 0.779 in 2020 to 1.272 in 2021! The score for 2022 has not been released at the time of this writing. The five-year impact factor is 1.352. The Cite Score in Scopus has risen from 1.2 in 2020 to 1.5 in 2021. The tracker for 2022 expects LARR’s cite score to continue rising to 1.6. While LARR scored lower for impact factor than our benchmark journals in 2020, we are proud to announce that LASA’s flagship journal is now scoring higher than other interdisciplinary journals in the field of Latin American studies.
Read the full report from Dr. Martínez Novo: https://doi.org/10.1017/lar.2023.22
Learn more about the LARR at UF: https://issuu.com/uf_latam/docs/latinamericanist_spring_2022/s/15881697
Job announcement LARR editorial assistant