Puerto Rico and the US Election

Puerto Rico and the US Election

October 21, 2020

Dr. Carlos Suarez Carrasquillo was interviewed by multiple news sources regarding Puerto Rico and its role in the US Election.

Puerto Rico, unable to vote, becomes crucial to US election | AP News
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — The campaigns of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are rallying people in a place where U.S. citizens cannot cast ballots but have the ear of hundreds of thousands of potential voters in the battleground state of Florida.

Lo que el agua see llevó | El Correo
Los puertorriqueños afincados en Florida llevan clavadas las humillaciones de Trump tras el huracán María y prometen pasarle factura en las urnas

Florida-Puerto Rico connection highlighted as the island makes a new bid for statehood | Florida Phoenix
The long-debated possibility of statehood for Puerto Rico is gaining traction—a development sure to be watched closely by the more than 1 million members of the Puerto Rico diaspora who make their homes in Florida.