Specialization Coordinator: Ariadna Tenorio & Meg Weeks

The specialization in Race, Gender, and Sexuality focuses on the processes of racialization, gendering and sexualizing as central vectors in the formation and reproduction of social structures, inequalities, political economies, nationalities, affect, identity, notions of self and social equality. We consider roles these social processes play questions of decolonization, coloniality, nation-building, histories of knowledge and consciousness. Courses in this specialization are drawn from disciplines across the university.

  • To help students and advisors to navigate the vast and constantly shifting curricular landscape supporting Latin American Studies at UF.
  • To foster connection and collaboration around shared interests among current and prospective UF faculty, students, and partners.

Recent Courses Relevant FOR Race, Gender, and Sexuality

  • LAS 6938 Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in the Americas
  • LAS 6938 Gender & Empowerment
  • LAS 6938 Race and U.S. Latina/os
  • LAS 6938 Race and Nation in Latin America
  • LAS 6938 Women in Latin America: From Private to Public
  • LAS 6938 Masculinity, Gender, Environment
  • LAS 6938 Cuba: Race Revolution and Culture
  • LAS 6938 Black in the Americas
  • ANG 6303 Gender and International Development
  • ANG 6930 Gender and Change in the African Diaspora
  • ANT3930 Gender, Religion, and Human Rights
  • LAW6936 Critical Race Theory
  • LAW 6930 International Human Rights
  • REL 6387 Religion in Latin America
  • WST 6348 EcoFeminism
  • WST 6508 Advanced Feminist Theory
  • WST 6935 Feminist Ethnography
  • WST 6935 Gender and Cultural Politics in Latin America
  • WST 6935 Human Rights: Women in the Americas
Undergraduate Courses

With permission from instructor and Specialization Coordinator, a MALAS student may do an independent study in conjunction with participation in one of the following courses plus additional graduate-level work.

  • AFA4931 Black Latinx (UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program)
  • ANG 5303 Women and Development
  • LAH 4930 Gender & Sexuality in Latin America
  • LIN 5657 Gender and Language
  • RTV3411 Race, Gender, Class and the Media
  • REL2388 Indigenous Religions of the Americas
  • REL 5195 Religion and Social Change
  • WST3930 Gender Race Sex & Media
Methods Courses

The following or other methods courses may be approved if they is directly related to a thesis or internship project related to the specialization.

  • WST 6004 Feminist Methods in Research and Scholarship

Some of these requirements may also be used to complete a certificate in Gender and Development in the Center for Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies Research.  See: https://wst.ufl.edu/graduate-studies/graduate-certificates/graduate-certificate-in-gender-and-development/ 

Frequency of course offerings

Before each semester, the Center compiles and posts online a Guide to hundreds of LAS-related courses available in the coming semester. Some courses contributing to specializations are offered every semester, others once every few years. The list of courses provided here is not intended to guarantee any curricular offerings, but rather to open horizons to topics that have been and may be offered in widely varied programs around UF.

Additional courses

Each specialization offers students the opportunity to craft personalized programs of study and to add their own contributions. Students may identify additional courses relevant for a specialization, including new and one-time offerings, and may seek approval from the Specialization Coordinator to count such courses toward specialization credits.

FACULTY & STAFF ENGAGED WITH Race, Gender, and Sexuality

Manoucheka Celeste (African American Studies and CRGSWSR) Media, Race, Gender, Sexuality and the Caribbean

Osubi Craig (Center for Arts, Migration and Entrepreneurship / African Diasporic Music and Dance, Arts Administration)

Elizabeth Garcia (Center for Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies Research)

Lillian Guerra (History; Cuba and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean) Comparative History of the Caribbean, Caribbean Diasporas, Cuban Revolution

Tace Hedrick (English) Latina/o and Chicano/a Studies, Culture, and Literature; Afro-Latino/a Studies; Intellectual History of the Americas; Feminist, Queer Theory and Cultural Studies; Feminist Theory; Popular Culture, Visual Culture

Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol (Law) Civil Rights, Comparative Law, Human Rights, Human Trafficking, International and Regional Human Rights (Inter-America and Europe),  International and Transnational Law, LGBT Issues, Marriage Equality, Race & Race Relations  Sovereignty, War and War Crimes, Women, Gender and the Law

Jillian Hernandez (Center for Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies Research)

Michael Leslie (Telecommunication and Global Leadership Trainer) International/Intercultural Communication, Media, Race, Gender, Sexuality and Ethics in the Americas

Ryan S. Morini (Samuel Proctor Oral History Program, Associate Program Director) historic ethnography of cultural and social dimensions of Shoshone land use, digital humanities

Paul Ortiz (Department of History) Oral History, African American history, Latino Studies, the African Diaspora, Social Movement Theory, U.S. History, U.S. South, labor, and documentary studies

Susan Paulson (Latin American Studies and Anthropology) Gender, Environment, Political Ecology, Masculinities, Intersectionality

Rafael "Rafa" Ramirez Solórzano (Latin American Studies) Latinx Social Movements with focus on Gender and Sexuality, Racial/Latinx Geographies, Women of Color Feminism, Queer of Color Critique, Relational Racialization

Leah Rosenberg (Department of English) Areas: Anglophone Caribbean, Postcolonialism, Nation Formation, Race, Gender, Sexuality

Augusto Soledade (School of Theater & Dance)

Ariadna Tenorio (Center for Latin American Studies) Race, gender, human rights and legal anthropology.

Margarita Vargas-Betancourt (Latin American and Caribbean Special Collections Librarian)

Meg Weeks (Latin American Studies) Gender and Social Movements, Reproductive Rights, Gender and Class

Robin M. Wright (Department of Religion) Indigenous Religious Traditions, Anthropology of Religion, Myth, Symbol & Ritual