Tuesdays 10:40am-11:30am in Newins-Zeigler 0219
Thursdays 3:00pm-3:50pm in Newins-Zeigler 0222
Since humans began migrating out of Africa some 50,000 years ago, the extent of global forests has been reduced by about half. Is this trend continuing across our planet? How are these remaining forests (and new ones that have regenerated) used? conserved? managed? and by whom? What role do you play in these dynamics? This course examines major global trends in forest extent, use and conservation. Students employ case studies to explore:
A variety of teaching methods will be employed with an emphasis on experiential learning.
Dr. Karen Kainer
Center for Latin American Studies
School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences
210 Newins-Ziegler Hall
Tel: 352-846-0833
Research Interests
Tropical forest ecology, community forestry management, tropical conservation and development
Geographic Expertise
Western Amazon, Brazil, Mexico