Drug Wars and Oil Fortunes in Latin America

Spring 2025
LAS 3040

Days/times: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 10:40 - 11:30 am
Location: McCarty B 3124

Course description

We will examine the historical, comparative, and current dynamics of several commodities that have been labeled as “drugs” in Latin America. We'll discuss how the presumably separate spheres of legal and illegal commodity exchange have been intertwined since colonial times. And we'll analyze the linkages between the drug & oil wars, extractivism, indigenous traditions, and pop culture in Latin America.

Throughout the semester, we will read articles, passages of books, watch movies, engage in conversations with invited guests, and—yes—we will discuss a lot.


Dr. Luis Felipe Lomelí
Center for Latin American Studies
358 Grinter Hall
Phone: 352-273-4714

Research Interests

Creative writing, philosophy and history of science & technology, ecocriticism.

Geographic Expertise

Mexico, Colombia, Southern Africa