The Florida Legislature created the International Linkage Institute Program in 1986 to help strengthen the state’s foreign relations and to promote business, educational, cultural and scientific exchange between Florida and select foreign countries and regions. The Florida-Brazil Linkage Institute unites the resources of the 11 universities of the State University System and the 28 institutions of the Division of Florida Colleges with those of state government and business to forge a network of partnerships with Brazilian educational, government and private-sector institutions. The FBLI is housed at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida and is co-administered with Miami Dade College.
Why UF & Brazil
Our unmatched record of training of Brazilian students
- Over 100 Master’s and Ph.D. students from Brazil are currently enrolled in UF graduate programs. Many more researchers come to UF as “sandwich” (exchange) students, postdoctoral researchers, and sabbatical fellows.
- UF has hosted more “Ciência Sem Fronteiras” scholarship recipients than any other university in the country. Our 2013-2014 cohort includes postdoctoral fellows, Ph.D. students, and over 40 undergraduates from universities across Brazil. Three UF faculty members have been awarded prestigious “Pesquisador Vistante Especial“ Fellowships.
- UF has trained some of Brazil’s preeminent leaders in education, public policy, and research. Graduates of our Master’s and Doctoral programs include nationally and internationally prominent figures such as Francisco Cartaxo (Deputado Estadual, Acre), Claudio and Suzana Padua (Founders, Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas-IPÊ), Gustavo Fonseca (Head of Natural Resources, Global Environment Facility), and Francisco de Assis Alves Mourão Filho (ESALQ-USP).
- The Florida legislature provides fiscal incentives for Brazilian students to study at UF. Under Florida statute, full-time students from Brazil who receive scholarships from US federal or state funds qualify for in-state tuition.
Our expertise on Brazil
- UF has the largest number of researchers working in Brazil of any institution in the south and possibly the country. These researchers work in fields spanning education, the humanities, law, basic and applied sciences, and social sciences. Since 1953 over 330 Master’s theses and dissertations focusing on Brazil have been completed at UF.
- UF is a leader in Brazil-focused research. Since 2000, UF scholars have received approximately US$12 million in Brazil-related research funding from the National Science Foundation. Areas funded include Materials Science, Chemistry, Environmental Science, ecology and biodiversity science, sociology, anthropology, engineering, and education.
- UF has implemented major new initiatives to promote collaboration with Brazil. In collaboration with FAPESP, four UF-São Paulo research teams were provided $160,000 to advance cutting-edge collaborative projects.
- The University of Florida’s is home to the Brazilian Music Institute (BMI). The BMI is sponsored by the Center for World Arts, Center for Latin American Studies, School of Music, and UF Student Government. Each year the BMI brings outstanding Brazilian artists to UF for a weeklong exploration of Brazilian music styles and repertoires through daily rehearsals and group lessons with guest and faculty artists.
Our history and legacy of partnership with Brazilian Institutions
- The UF Center for Latin American Studies, founded in 1930, is the oldest in the United States. Portuguese was first given as a summer course in 1914 and has been taught regularly since 1939.
- UF has educational partners throughout Brazil. We currently have MOUs with over 40 Brazilian universities, nongovernmental organizations, and government agencies to promote research, education, and student training.
- Partnerships with Brazil are a priority of the state government. In 1983 the Florida State Legislature created the Florida-Brazil Linkage Institute to promote business, educational, cultural, and scientific exchange between Florida and Brazil. Among other things, we offer in-state tuition to 25 Brazilian students who want to study at Florida colleges and universities.
Our social, geographic economic, and cultural ties to Brazil
- Florida is the U.S. gateway to Latin America. Our state is home to one of the largest Brazilian populations outside of Brazil.
- Brazil is Florida’s largest international trading partner. In 2013 the value of trade between Florida and Brazil was ~$14 billion, and major Brazilian corporations such as Odebrecht and Embraer have operations here.
- Florida is a major destination for Brazilians. Brazil sends more visitors to Florida than any country but Canada; Brazilian tourists spend more per capita than visitors from any other country.
Educational excellence across a range of disciplines
- An unmatched range of academic offerings. UF has nearly 4,000 faculty members with distinguished records in teaching, research, and service. Its 16 colleges offer over 100 undergraduate majors and 300 graduate and professional degrees.
- UF is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities. UF ranks first among public AAU schools in master’s degrees and second in bachelor’s degrees awarded to students of Latin American descent.
- Some of the nation’s best ranked academic programs. UF’s College of Education is the highest ranked in the state, with its Teacher Education and Curriculum and Instruction program’s among the nation’s best. The graduate program of UF’s Department of Urban and Regional Planning was recently ranked the 14th in the nation. The graduate program in Materials Science and Engineering was ranked #7 in the nation…and the list goes on.